About Pat Wertheim

About Pat

Pat Wertheim has been impacting forensic science and the use of fingerprints in law enforcement spanning six decades. He has trained thousands of latent print examiners for hundreds of criminal justice agencies around the world on best practices in latent print comparison and ethical use of evidence.

Pat has worked on numerous high-profile cases involving erroneous identifications, latent print fabrication and fingerprint forgery. He has authored ground-breaking articles on detection of forged and fabricated latent print evidence, revealing the extent that corrupt law enforcement personnel have gone to fabricate evidence. Pat is fortunate to have investigated high profile cases such as the murder of Sir Harry Oakes in the Bahamas, the Shirley McKie erroneous fingerprint identification in Scotland, the fabrication of evidence against Fred Van Der Vyver in South Africa, and forged fingerprints on an alleged Jackson Pollock canvas.

Pat is in the final process with his co-author Kathy Saviers of proofing the manuscript of their book with the working title “Crooked Cops, Shady Scientists, and Fraudulent Forensics.”  In the book, Pat and Kathy will share an insider’s view of some of the most controversial fingerprint cases in the last century. The book will offer forensic professionals and attorneys alike a reference guide to all of the methods of forging or fabricating latent fingerprint evidence.

In addition, for the lay person interested in forensics and true crime, the book will give insights into gripping real-life accounts of corruption, bringing bad cops to justice, and exonerating wrongly accused individuals.

Pat enjoys being involved with the science of fingerprints at a fundamental level and has served on many boards through the decades. He is a Distinguished life-sustaining member of the International Association for Identification and the Southwestern Association of Forensic Scientists. He currently sits on the editorial board for the Journal of Forensic Identification.

Pat served for two decades on the global Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology technology (SWGFAST), helping to establish guidelines for best practices in fingerprint use. He’s testified in numerous Daubert hearings, and has held certifications as a senior crime scene analyst, certified ten print examiner, and certified latent print examiner.

Pat is passionate about helping make society a safer better place by correct interpretation of fingerprint evidence and works to prevent innocent people from being convicted. He has helped exonerate falsely accused people by using science to expose faulty fingerprint evidence. His greatest satisfaction comes from mentoring aspiring examiners and young professionals to advance their careers and further the work he has given the global fingerprint community in ethical use of latent prints.

My Mission

My greatest satisfaction...

comes from helping aspiring examiners and other professionals advance their knowledge of fingerprint science to further their expertise and careers.


My life's work is devoted to...

making society a better, safer place by advocating for the correct interpretation of fingerprint evidence in the criminal justice system. 


I am passionate about...

exonerating the falsely accused by using fingerprint evidence to remove suspicion from innocent people.



Latent print examiner, trainer, and consultant


  • Crime Scene Analyst

  • Latent Print Examiner

  • Instructor of Fingerprint topics

  • Expert Witness

  • Researcher


Texas A&M University - 1971

Bachelor of Science - BS, Geophysics, with minor studies in math, physics, and geology.